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Gut Health

Gut Health


This herbal mixture has the absolute most important nutrients to restore gut health because of the way this carefully dosed mixture speeds up gut cell regeneration so profoundly.


It helps to mend the broken junctions in your intestinal wall so they can function normally and can also be used as a preventative nutrient, minimizing the damage caused by the food, toxins, infections, and stress that can lead to leaky gut in the first place.


This mixture is packed with prebiotic fiber that  promotes a balanced microbiome, which is a key to helping you restore gut health and to keeping viruses, Candida, and bad bacteria in check.


This mixture also has a high mucilage content, which covers your digestive tract with a protective lining. It can support your gut’s reaction to inflammation, which in turn can impact ulcers, diarrhea, and constipation. Further, it help restore the integrity of the tight junctions found in your gut wall.

  • Stimulates nerve endings to boost mucus secretion, which neutralizes excessive acidity in the gut and soothes ulcers
  • Provides antioxidants 

Soothing and protecting. It helps your body replace the lost mucus associated with gut damage and leaky gut. It also provides a wide range of nutrients and antioxidants, including vitamins A, C, and E.


Active Ingredients: Aloe Vera, Slippery Elm, Licorce, Marshmallow root, dandelion leaf, fennel and ginger

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