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PH Balancing Yoni Steam

PH Balancing Yoni Steam



This Steam naturally cleanse the vagina of infections, tightens vaginal tissues,relieves vaginal dryness, natrual lubercant, and relieves symptoms of abnormal vaginal discharge, itching, or odor.

Bacterial vaginosis is caused by Activities that change the balance of bacteria in the vagina, such as sexual intercourse or frequent douching, can increase a person’s risk.
In some cases, there are no symptoms, steaming is still good for vaginal health


Prevent or shorten the duration of herpes outbreaks,Yeast infections and Bacterial Vaginosis by decreasing pain, inflammation,ictching, burning sensations because of its antiviral properties. 


Active Ingrediants: Basil, Calendula, Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano, Motherswort, Mari golds, Mugwort and lavender

Yoni Steaming is not recommended if you have a marina, other forms of contraceptive implants, a prolapsed ring, internal swelling, while you have your menses, while you are pregnant, or after possible conception if you are trying to conceive a baby. It is recommended for maintenance to do a steam once a month, a few days prior to menses. If you have reproductive health challenges, it may be worthwhile to do a steam once a week until you return to a regular cycle.

Directions for your Vaginal steaming herbs

In a medium covered pot, pour 8 cups of water (preferably purified water).
Place one handful of fresh herb(s) or 1/4 cup dried into the water. Do not add or use “essential oils” as they are too strong and may burn sensitive genital tissue.
Bring water to a soft boil for 5 minutes.
Turn of the heat, leave the lid on and steep for another 5 minutes with the lid on.
It is very important to test the temperature of the steam before using. If it is too hot wait 15 seconds and test it again until it feels comfortably warm to steam with.
Pour 4 cups (half) of water into the bowl you have placed in your toilet.
Wave your hand 8-10 inches over the herbal water to make sure it is not too hot.
Remove your underwear and sit on the seat above the steaming water.
Wear our Yoni Steam dress making sure no steam escapes.
Make sure you keep yourself warm, keeping something on your feet (socks, slippers) and neck. You do not want any cold to get into your body while you are trying to warm it.
You should feel a warm, rolling heat for about 10-12 minutes.
When the steam dies down dump the water into the toilet. Starting with step #4 begin the second dosage. If it has cooled too much reheat but test again before sitting over the steam

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