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Uterine Fibriods

Uterine Fibriods


45 Day Supply: 45 Tea Bags or 90 Capsules & 6oz Yoni Steam

This herbal mixture regulates the estrogen and progesterone levels. Your dr. has to diagnose you with fibriods. Symptoms of fibriods are enlarged uterus, infertility,lower back pain, menstrual cycle issues ( see regulate mensi cycle tea) frequent urination difficulty emptying the bladder, leg pains, constipation,and pelvic pain. Avoid a hysterectomy and shrink your fibriods naturally!

If fibriods are affecting your cycle check out regulate mensi cycle tea, and if fertility is your goal also see  fertility. to monitor progress of shrinking fibriods make a dr's appt after 90 days of consistent use. NO ALCOHOL DURING THIS TREATMENT


Tea ACTIVE INGREDIANT: Dong Quai, Black Cohosh, Chaste Tree Berries, Dandelion root, Nettle, Motherswort, Goldenseal and Crampbark

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